Forward Business Enterprises Ltd trading as Forward Finance
This explains how and why we acquire and use your personal information in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679, the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR), and the Data Protection Act 2018.
We collect information about you:
- As part of your loan application and during the term of any agreement
- From you and from searches of Credit Reference Agencies (CRAs) and Fraud Prevention Agencies (FPAs) of their records relating to you and other people with whom you are linked financially, from public records, e.g. the electoral roll and third parties e.g. credit brokers where you have provided information to them and consented for it be passed to us
- This includes your name, address, national insurance number, date of birth, contact details, marital status, employment information, credit record and records of your account.
We use your information to:
- make credit decisions about you, taking members of your household or others to whom you are linked financially into account
- communicate with you by telephone, email, SMS, or post
- manage your account, make collections and debt tracing
- prevent fraud and money laundering
- report to CRAs and FPAs
- report to our regulator, the Financial Conduct Authority, where we are required to do so.
This is to comply with our legal and regulatory obligations and fulfil our legitimate interests of promoting responsible lending. If you do not provide us with your information, we will not be able to lend to you.
We may also use your information for other purposes where you have consented to this for example for surveys and research.
We may share your information with:
- third parties to which we transfer, charge or assign your agreement or which manage your loan or provide services for us
- law enforcement agencies or regulatory bodies where we are required to do so by law
- CRAs and FPAs to which we may report positive, delinquent and default data about your account(s)
- On a regular (minimum monthly) basis. This information my be supplied to other organisations which search your credit record.
When CRAs receive a search from us they place a search “footprint” on your credit file whether or not the application proceeds. Records remain on file with CRAs and FPAs for 6 years after they are closed, whether your loan is settled by you or defaulted.
More information about CRAs and how they use personal information is available at or you can contact the agencies below:
TransUnion, One Park Lane, Leeds, LS3 1EP. Tel: 0330 024 7574 or visit: or email: consumer@transunion
Equifax Ltd, Customer Service Centre, PO Box 10036, Leicester, LE3 4FS. Tel: 0333 321 4043 or 0800 014 2955 or visit: https:/ or email:
Experian, PO BOX 9000, Nottingham, NG80 7WP. Tel: 0344 481 0800 or 0800 013 8888 or visit:
We store your information:
- Within the United Kingdom (UK).
- We may transfer data outside of the UK but will ensure that before we do so, there is “adequate protection” in place to ensure the security of your data
We keep your information:
- For as long as it is needed to manage your account and for a maximum of six years unless a longer period is required by law.
You have the right to:
- access the information we hold about you
- ask us to make any changes to your information to make sure it is accurate and up to date
- ask us to stop or limit our use of or delete your information
- receive your information in a format that suits you
- transfer your information to a third party
- be told which CRAs we have used and obtain a copy of your file from CRAs.
If you have a question, want to exercise your rights or make a complaint, please contact our Data Protection Officer Elliot Lanceman at Forward Business Enterprises Ltd, Arquen House, 4-6 Spicer Street, St Albans, AL3 4PQ.
You can also make a complaint to the Information Commissioner’s Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire SK9 5AF, telephone 0303 123 1113
I agree to the terms of this Privacy Notice and acknowledge that as part of my loan application the lender may undertake searches of my records with Credit Reference Agencies and Fraud Prevention Agencies and that information regarding my loan account including positive, delinquent and default data will be reported to those agencies and may be accessed by other organisations which search my records.
I consent to the use of my personal data for: